Have you ever wondered what you can do to try to make the world a better place?
It’s a difficult concept to consider – the problem is so vast. And I am just one person. Governments, on the other hand, have huge power over markets, regulation and law. If the world is to be a better place governments must be involved. But where do I fit in?
This nexus between governments and the community is what fascinates me. Governments take their cues from the public, yet policies often seem contradictory to the wants and needs of the public. Why does this happen? How do we fix it?
I spend my life trying to understand how we can answer these questions.
During my Honours I examined community Landcare groups and their reliance on federally-sourced funding and resources. I learnt that decisions made in Canberra have real impacts on communities and that communities are continually trying to adapt to changes in policy.
Next I experienced ‘the other side’ – the development of policy from a political and public administration perspective. After working in energy policy for the Government of Western Australia I appreciate the complexities of policy development.
And yet, something was still missing. Governments make decisions on policies, but on whose behalf? Were assumptions about the community’s needs and desires correct?
I recently completed a PhD at the University of Western Australia. My research examined the interaction between renewable energy policy and the community; examining ways the community contributes to policy development, policies influence community actions and whether community members agree with policy mechanisms.
You can see an academic overview of my research via my Research Profile, or visit my Blog to see what’s happening right now. Connect with me via Twitter, by commenting on my Blog, via the 'Contact' box to the left, or by email ('Contact' under my Research Profile).
I am a member of the Australian Institute of Energy, the Institute of Australian Geographers and the Geographical Society of New South Wales.
I am also a Nationally Accredited Mediator through the Mediator Standards Board of Australia.
My ResearcherID is B-4872-2013. My OrcID is 1-7481-7388.